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The Best Delivery Services for Humanely Raised Meat


A quick look at the best meat delivery services

    Best available in the Northeast: Wrong Direction Farm, Maple Wind Farm
    Best available in the Midwest: Reimer Family Farm
    Best available in the West: Family Friendly Farms
    Best available in the East: Cairncrest Farm
    Best family farms available nationwide: White Oaks Pastures, Seven Sons
    Best for pasture-raised meat: Aslderspring Ranch, Primal Pastures
    Best sustainable: Parker Pastures, Porter Road
    Best for additional groceries: Thrive Market

If you’re an omnivore, finding the best sources of humanely raised meat and poultry from family farms might be important to you.

Even if you don’t personally consume animals, you should care about how animals raised for food are treated.

Animals raised on concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), or factory farms, are often subjected to inhumane treatment, such as being forced to live in abysmal conditions without the ability to carry out normal behaviors like grooming, dustbathing, and grazing (1Trusted Source, 2Trusted Source).

What’s more, factory farms have an extreme impact on the environment, polluting water and air (3, 4Trusted Source).

Fortunately, a number of family-owned farms produce meat and poultry products in an ethical and sustainable way with animal welfare and the environment in mind.

Family farms around the country have begun making their products available for online purchase, delivering their meat and poultry products right to your doorstep.

We rounded up some of the best meat delivery services based on the following criteria:

    Meat quality. We looked for meat delivery services known for providing high quality meat and poultry products.
    Environmental and animal welfare practices. We looked for family farms and companies that prioritize sustainability and animal welfare.
    Price. We included services to accommodate a range of budgets.
    Vetting. All of the companies included have been vetted to ensure that they meet Healthline’s medical and business standards.

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